Investment Lifecycle

The Breshears Westbrook Wealth Management,  Advisors with D.A Davidson & Co., has identified four stages of investing to help ascertain your present or desired situation, define current and long-term goals, and select the best course of action for your unique requirements.

Capital Preservation

Is it your objective to conserve capital while maintaining your purchasing power? The most conservative stage of investing; this is the point at which you attempt to play it safe with short term investments.

Conservative Growth

Looking to take a “Slow & Steady” approach? Are large swings in your account value simply out of the question? Growth is fine; however continual progress is the main focus at this stage.


Are you actively building your purchasing power? Do you want to be able to afford the same thing in retirement that you enjoy now? Here you are willing to take moderate risks if they help maximize your investment and aid in outpacing inflation

Aggressive Growth

Is strong growth your primary goal? Can you handle greater than normal fluctuations in the value of your account? At this stage of the cycle you understand the trade-off between risk and return and you are willing to accept a higher degree of risk.

Each stage varies in diversification and level of risk, growth, and preservation of capital . Wherever you are in life, whether launching you career, preparing to retire, traveling the world, or saving for the kids' college find, your priorities shape your strategy.

Whatever your needs, The Breshears Westbrook Team will work with you to create a plan that will help you meet your long-term or short-term goals. Your ongoing planning will change and evolve over time. We will work with you to discover the right investment strategies at the right time, whether you're starting out or having established your roots.

Why Diversify?